...at once, we commence to outgrow fear...
ponder gratitude - known wisdom - yesterday today tomorrow - feeling loved - desiderata - i am
we have learned - prayer of assisi - serenity prayer - a great life - being human - anyway
tell thy self - to have and to hold - forgiveness is - today - life is - today - clean - catalyst
memo from God - strength and courage - life's journey - contempt - footprints - the idea
tool box
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a meditation - proper use - let go - a new boss - a way out - solution of hope
recovery jokes - drunk jokes - recovery one-liners - rules for complaining - whiner's plea
old-timer's tribute - he said, she said - handpicked quotes - drinking problem? - can't say when drunk
stages of drunkeness - learning process - 12 steps to a relationship - religion happens
rent-a-sponsor - you might be an alcoholic if - if a dog was your sponsor - recovery jones cartoons
email me with your thoughts, wit and inspiration at: astrofysh@earthlink.net
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...there is no chemical solution, to a spiritual problem...
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